What We Do

Our Impact

What We Do

We focus on a handful of key areas where we know we can have the most impact in areas such as tackling poverty and improving the lives of local communities. The organization works both with its own experts & volunteers and also through local partners to undertake a range of integrated development programmes amongst the rural communities. We initially began our operations by assisting small scale companies in developing safety policies & programs, individual skill enhancement in communities and giving charity donations like clothes & food to deprived individuals. But now after years of hard work and dedication, we have developed an international network of experienced professionals that serve as support teams to run the programs of the foundation. Adom Zoe Foundation is backed by excellent administrative and financial management is conducted by a team of competent and dedicated professionals. The team oversees strategic and policy issues.

core causes

Real Change
Real Impact

Our foundation has been present for over 3 years. We empower dependent women and youth to gear towards self reliance.

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17 young adults and 40 professional artisans have gone through the career and skill enhancement / Job placement program

Yearly Kids

Helping poor and needy kids with clothes, food, education, and other gifts that help bring a smile to their faces. 


Free EHS training to create awareness about safety benefits, Accident impact and prevention strategies.


Over 1000 individuals have benefited from our social media platforms instilling in them a sense of safety and security consciousness and awareness.

Ongoing Projects

Achievements To Date

Since Adom Zoe Foundation started in 2017, we have registered a number of noteworthy achievements

Enabing Self-Reliance through new skills

Skill Training & Enhancement

Yearly Kids Charity

Ensuring a happy childhood

Creating a safer workplace

Corporate Safety

Contact Us

Do you know somebody in need of our help?

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Talk To Us

Because of people like you, we’re able to make a difference in lives all around Africa. Write to us if you have any queries or need an info…

Call Us

Donations & Other Inquiries
Phone.+233 (0) 556316135 Chat. +233 (0) 546526027

Post Address

Main Headquarters
CAC Junction, Tema, Kpone Kokompe/Takoradi Effiakuma Newsite

Assistance Hours

Monday – Friday
6.am to 10.pm IST

Email ID

Support Mail